Terima kasih, itulah review dari saya tentang apa saja yang kami lakukan di kelas fisika mulai dari pelajaran hingga kegiatan di luarnya selama hampir 1 tahun ini. Kepada pak rudy hilkya terima kasih atas pelajaran-pelajaran yang diberikan, sangat berguna. Keep moving on !!!
Terima kasih sekali lagi kepada Blog Guru Fisika-nya Pak Rudy Hilkya.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Listrik Dinamis dan Hk. Kirchoff

Dynamic Electricity is the electricity that can be moved. How to measure the strong currents in the dynamic electric charge divided by time in units of electric charge is coulumb and unit time is seconds. strong currents in the same circuit with branching kuata incoming flow with strong currents out. whereas in the current series is the same strength at each ends of the barrier. Instead different voltage on obstacles. a series circuit voltage depends on the constraints, but the branching circuit voltage has no effect on resistance. all that has been put forward by Kirchoff law, which reads "the number of strong electrical currents that go together with the number of strong electrical currents out". ohms law can be inferred by measuring the voltage × current is strong resistance. Resistance value is always the same because the voltage is proportional to the strong currents. voltage has units of volts (V) and a strong current is ampere (A) and resistance (R) is the ohm. The instrument used to measure the potential difference / voltage is a voltmeter and tools used to measure electrical current is kua Amperemeter.
Optika Geometri
Definition optics geometry
Branch of physics that includes learning how to light the lights, bagaiamana perambatannya, how to measure and how the properties of light known as the Optics.
In the geometry-optics studied the properties of light using tools that measure relatively larger than the wavelength of light.
Reflectivity (REFLECTION) is the incident light but dibelokkannya perpendicular
Branch of physics that includes learning how to light the lights, bagaiamana perambatannya, how to measure and how the properties of light known as the Optics.
In the geometry-optics studied the properties of light using tools that measure relatively larger than the wavelength of light.
Reflectivity (REFLECTION) is the incident light but dibelokkannya perpendicular
Usaha dan energi
Dapat dipelajari lagi di Sini.
A. Usaha
Kerja atau Usaha secara spesifik dapat juga didefinisikan sebagai hasil kali
besar perpindahan dengan komponen gaya yang sejajar dengan perpindahan.
Jika suatu gaya F menyebabkan perpindahan sejauh s, maka gaya F melakukan usaha
sebesar W,
Persamaan usaha dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut.
W = SF . s
W = usaha (joule)
F = gaya yang sejajar dengan perpindahan (N)
s = perpindahan (m)
Jika suatu benda melakukan perpindahan
sejajar bidang horisontal, namun gaya yang
diberikan membentuk sudut a terhadap
perpindahan, maka besar usaha yang dikerjakan
pada benda adalah :
W = F . cos a . s
Usaha (w) yang dilakukan pada sebuah benda oleh suatu gaya tetap ( tetap dalam besar dan arah ) didefinisikan sebagai perkalian atar pergeseran (s) dengan komponen gaya (F) sejajar dengan pergeseran tersebut. Satuan usaha adalah Joule. Usaha hanya memiliki besaran dan tidak mempunyai arah karena termasuk besaran skalar. Walaupun gaya dan perpindahan termasuk besaran vector tetapi usaha merupakan besaran skalar karena diperoleh dari perkalian skalar.Satuan usaha dalam sistem international (SI) adalah Newton-meter. Satuan newton-meter juga biasa disebut Joule ( 1 Joule = 1 N.m). menggunakan sistem CGS (Centimeter Gram Sekon), satuan usaha disebut erg. 1erg = 1 dyne.cm. Dalam sistem British, usaha diukur dalam foot-pound (kaki-pon). 1 Joule = 107 erg = 0,7376 ft.lb.
A. Usaha
Kerja atau Usaha secara spesifik dapat juga didefinisikan sebagai hasil kali
besar perpindahan dengan komponen gaya yang sejajar dengan perpindahan.
Jika suatu gaya F menyebabkan perpindahan sejauh s, maka gaya F melakukan usaha
sebesar W,
Persamaan usaha dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut.
W = SF . s
W = usaha (joule)
F = gaya yang sejajar dengan perpindahan (N)
s = perpindahan (m)
Jika suatu benda melakukan perpindahan
sejajar bidang horisontal, namun gaya yang
diberikan membentuk sudut a terhadap
perpindahan, maka besar usaha yang dikerjakan
pada benda adalah :
W = F . cos a . s
Usaha (w) yang dilakukan pada sebuah benda oleh suatu gaya tetap ( tetap dalam besar dan arah ) didefinisikan sebagai perkalian atar pergeseran (s) dengan komponen gaya (F) sejajar dengan pergeseran tersebut. Satuan usaha adalah Joule. Usaha hanya memiliki besaran dan tidak mempunyai arah karena termasuk besaran skalar. Walaupun gaya dan perpindahan termasuk besaran vector tetapi usaha merupakan besaran skalar karena diperoleh dari perkalian skalar.Satuan usaha dalam sistem international (SI) adalah Newton-meter. Satuan newton-meter juga biasa disebut Joule ( 1 Joule = 1 N.m). menggunakan sistem CGS (Centimeter Gram Sekon), satuan usaha disebut erg. 1erg = 1 dyne.cm. Dalam sistem British, usaha diukur dalam foot-pound (kaki-pon). 1 Joule = 107 erg = 0,7376 ft.lb.
Gelombang Elektromagnetik
Dapat dipelajari lagi di Persamaan Maxwell
1. Spektrum Elektromagnetik
Gel. Radio
Gel. Mikro
Gel. Inframerah
Cahaya tampak
Gel. UV
Sinar Gamma
1. Spektrum Elektromagnetik
Gel. Radio
Gel. Mikro
Gel. Inframerah
Cahaya tampak
Gel. UV
Sinar Gamma
Suhu dan Kalor
Dapat dipelajari di Suhu dan Kalor.
Temperature is a measure of the degree of heat or cold an object.
The instrument used to measure temperature is called a thermometer. In the field of thermodynamic, temperature is a measure of the tendency to form or release energy system spontaneously. Temperature is the physical nature of things that the system is the basis of common assumptions "hot" and "cool", that is something that is hotter has the higher temperatures. Temperature comes from microscopic movements, and the temperature associated with the energy of microscopic motions of this. The concept of temperature, which is defined as the voltage to the entropy, is a continuation of the thermodynamic laws.
Dalam membuat skala termometer, kita harus menentukan terlebih dulu suhu acuan. Dari sini ada tiga jenis termometer yang berbeda skalanya yang dikenal saat ini, yaitu termometer Celcius, Reamur, dan Fahrenheit.
jumlah skala pada ketiga termometer ini adalah
Temperature is a measure of the degree of heat or cold an object.
The instrument used to measure temperature is called a thermometer. In the field of thermodynamic, temperature is a measure of the tendency to form or release energy system spontaneously. Temperature is the physical nature of things that the system is the basis of common assumptions "hot" and "cool", that is something that is hotter has the higher temperatures. Temperature comes from microscopic movements, and the temperature associated with the energy of microscopic motions of this. The concept of temperature, which is defined as the voltage to the entropy, is a continuation of the thermodynamic laws.
Dalam membuat skala termometer, kita harus menentukan terlebih dulu suhu acuan. Dari sini ada tiga jenis termometer yang berbeda skalanya yang dikenal saat ini, yaitu termometer Celcius, Reamur, dan Fahrenheit.
jumlah skala pada ketiga termometer ini adalah
materi di luar

Selain membahas materi, saya ingin memperlihatkan beberapa aktivitas yang diajarkan oleh Pak Rudy. Kami di suruh mengerjakan gambar yang dilakukan menggunakan tangan lemah kami.Gambar saya jelek sekali. HHe.
Besaran dan satuan
Besaran-besaran Pokok :
- Panjang
- Massa
- Waktu
- Temperatur (Suhu)
- Kuat Arus Listrik
- Kuat Cahaya
- Jumlah Zat
Panjang Standar :
In 1799, the legal standard of length in France became the meter, defined as one ten millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole. Until 1960, the official length of the meter was the distance between two lines on a specific bar of platinum-iridium alloy stored under controlled conditions. This standard was abandoned for several reasons, the principal one being that measurements of the separation between the lines are not precise enough. In 1960, the meter was defined as 1 650 763.73 wavelengths of orange-red light emitted from a krypton-86 lamp. In October 1983, this definition was abandoned also, and the meter was redefined as the distance traveled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 second.
This latest definition establishes the speed of light at 299 792 458 meters per second.
Massa Standar
Satuan Massa standar adalah kilogram, massa standar terbuat dari senyawa Platina Iridium berbentuk silinder. Disimpan di Biro Internasional Berat dan Pengukuran, Sèvres, Perancis.
Massa adalah kuantitas yang digunakan untuk mengukur perubahan inersia (ketahanan suatu benda) saat benda tersebut dalam melakukan gerak atau dinamika.
Ada kalanya, massa adalah kuantitas jumlah zat yang dikandung suatu benda.
Waktu Standar
Before 1960, the time standard was defined in terms of the average length of a solar day in the year 1900. (A solar day is the time between successive appearances of the Sun at the highest point it reaches in the sky each day.) The basic unit of time, the second, was defined to be (1/60)(1/60)(1/24) 1/86 400 of the average solar day. In 1967, the second was redefined to take advantage of the high precision attainable with an atomic clock, which uses the characteristic frequency of the light emitted from the cesium-133 atom as its “reference clock.” The second is now defined as 9 192 631 700 times the period of oscillation of radiation from the cesium atom. The newest type of cesium atomic clock is shown below.
- Panjang
- Massa
- Waktu
- Temperatur (Suhu)
- Kuat Arus Listrik
- Kuat Cahaya
- Jumlah Zat
Panjang Standar :
In 1799, the legal standard of length in France became the meter, defined as one ten millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole. Until 1960, the official length of the meter was the distance between two lines on a specific bar of platinum-iridium alloy stored under controlled conditions. This standard was abandoned for several reasons, the principal one being that measurements of the separation between the lines are not precise enough. In 1960, the meter was defined as 1 650 763.73 wavelengths of orange-red light emitted from a krypton-86 lamp. In October 1983, this definition was abandoned also, and the meter was redefined as the distance traveled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 second.
This latest definition establishes the speed of light at 299 792 458 meters per second.
Massa Standar
Satuan Massa standar adalah kilogram, massa standar terbuat dari senyawa Platina Iridium berbentuk silinder. Disimpan di Biro Internasional Berat dan Pengukuran, Sèvres, Perancis.
Massa adalah kuantitas yang digunakan untuk mengukur perubahan inersia (ketahanan suatu benda) saat benda tersebut dalam melakukan gerak atau dinamika.
Ada kalanya, massa adalah kuantitas jumlah zat yang dikandung suatu benda.
Waktu Standar
Before 1960, the time standard was defined in terms of the average length of a solar day in the year 1900. (A solar day is the time between successive appearances of the Sun at the highest point it reaches in the sky each day.) The basic unit of time, the second, was defined to be (1/60)(1/60)(1/24) 1/86 400 of the average solar day. In 1967, the second was redefined to take advantage of the high precision attainable with an atomic clock, which uses the characteristic frequency of the light emitted from the cesium-133 atom as its “reference clock.” The second is now defined as 9 192 631 700 times the period of oscillation of radiation from the cesium atom. The newest type of cesium atomic clock is shown below.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Tugas blog review
Teman-teman yang sedang mengujungi blog saya. Saya sedang melakukan review semenjak awal mengikuti kelas fisika sampai sekarang dengan kurun waktu hampir 1 tahun pelajaran, yang artinya sebentaer lagi kami akan menyelesaikan kelas itu. Maafkan jika review saya masih ada yang kurang, selamat menikmatinya.
Fisika semester 1 :
- Besaran satuan
- Kinematika
- Dinamika
- Gerak melingkar
Fisika semester 2 :
- Suhu dan kalor
- Perambatan kalor
- Gelombang elektro
- Optika geometri
- Alat-alat optik
- Listrik dinamis
- Hk. Kirchoff
Terima kasih kepada Pak Rudy Hilkya.
Fisika semester 1 :
- Besaran satuan
- Kinematika
- Dinamika
- Gerak melingkar
Fisika semester 2 :
- Suhu dan kalor
- Perambatan kalor
- Gelombang elektro
- Optika geometri
- Alat-alat optik
- Listrik dinamis
- Hk. Kirchoff
Terima kasih kepada Pak Rudy Hilkya.
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