Saturday, 15 May 2010

Listrik Dinamis dan Hk. Kirchoff

Dynamic Electricity is the electricity that can be moved. How to measure the strong currents in the dynamic electric charge divided by time in units of electric charge is coulumb and unit time is seconds. strong currents in the same circuit with branching kuata incoming flow with strong currents out. whereas in the current series is the same strength at each ends of the barrier. Instead different voltage on obstacles. a series circuit voltage depends on the constraints, but the branching circuit voltage has no effect on resistance. all that has been put forward by Kirchoff law, which reads "the number of strong electrical currents that go together with the number of strong electrical currents out". ohms law can be inferred by measuring the voltage × current is strong resistance. Resistance value is always the same because the voltage is proportional to the strong currents. voltage has units of volts (V) and a strong current is ampere (A) and resistance (R) is the ohm. The instrument used to measure the potential difference / voltage is a voltmeter and tools used to measure electrical current is kua Amperemeter.


  1. good job, you use english language..
    please add some photos about each material..
    good luck boys

    tpi msh bnyk yg perlu diperbrui...
    biar tmbh bagus

  3. mantapp... english bhsaxa...
    comment blog q jg yaa..
